Our Story

Crafting Dreams and Cocktails

The Duo Behind Preamble Craft Cocktail Lounge

In the realm of exquisite lounges, there are those that stand as mere businesses, and then there are those that encapsulate a deeper essence – a story, a passion, and an unwavering dedication. Preamble Craft Cocktail Lounge falls firmly into the latter category, guided by two remarkable individuals whose paths, like the finest mixed drinks, have blended seamlessly to create something extraordinary.

Meet Matthew Renteria, a name synonymous with both valor and vision. With nearly two decades of service in the US Air Force under his belt, Renteria's commitment to duty was only rivaled by his passion for business. The last seven years saw him donning a different uniform – that of a full-time Real Estate Agent and Investor. A family man through and through, Renteria is not just a proud husband to Celeste but also a devoted father to two remarkable children, Gabby and Ethan. His charisma and leadership have been the cornerstone of Preamble's transformation.

Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Renteria is Charlie Aguilar, a retired veteran whose journey through the US Army and Air Force spanned over two decades. Now, a relentless entrepreneur, Aguilar is a man of action. His footsteps in the world of Real Estate, both as an Agent and an Investor, speak of a life driven by ambitions that soar as high as his military service. With Adrianne as his anchor and three accomplished children - Angel, Zariah, and Cesar - as his legacy, Aguilar's commitment to excellence knows no bounds.

Together, Renteria and Aguilar are the architects of Preamble's renaissance. Melding tradition with innovation, they've transformed the lounge into a haven that resonates with both loyal patrons and newcomers alike. Their touch is subtle yet profound, infusing the venue's ambiance, cuisine, and libations with a renewed allure. Their goal? To beckon the community and beyond, offering a resplendent oasis where one can unwind, revel with friends, or kindle romance.

So, as twilight descends, and the city's heartbeat finds its rhythm, let Preamble Craft Cocktail Lounge be your host. Step into an experience that's more than a lounge – it's a symphony of dreams orchestrated by Matthew Renteria and Charlie Aguilar. The story of Preamble is a tale of dedication, of service, of passion, and of transformation. Come, be part of this journey. Your luxurious retreat awaits at Preamble Craft Cocktail Lounge. We eagerly await your presence."